Part 1: Children’s Potential from Birth to Age 6
Nowadays, thanks for scientific researches, we are aware of the fact that by the 2nd month of pregnancy, babies’ brains are as big as a half of their bodies; when they are first born, both the side of babies’ heads and brainsare the same in diameter; at around 9 months old after leaving their mother’s womb, their brains grow as double as that when they were born; and they continue growing as triple until the age of 3; at about 5 – 6, children’s brain development is almost complete, approximately the same as that of adults. While other parts of their body still need a period of time as long as 15 years in order to be at that level of being developed.

Human’s brain contains as much as 100 billion neurons, among those 14 billion is the number of neurons that is included in cerebral cortex. When a child is born, despite the number of neurons is almost enough, the size of each neuron is still small, dendrites and axons are not fully developed. Each neuron exists individually since the link that transfer information between them has not yet been constructed. Only by being educated as soon as possible, being activated by the information from the outside world, neurons are able to develop normally, synapses and dendrites begin to mature and eventually connect to one another creating the link that send and receive impulses. Thanks to that, baby’s physiological and psychological activities vary.

Scientists prove that the first 3 years is the most important period in the development of children’s brains. Among that, from birth to the age of 2 is the Right Brain Period, also known as the stage of genius; 3-4 is the transition to the Left Brain Period which is going to begin later at the age of 6.
The development of a child’s brain wasconsidered as a triangle of which its peek is 0-2 period. However, according to Professor Makoto Shichida’s Right Brain Educational Method, this progress is similar to an isosceles triangle, 0-2 period is the base in which his brain grows the fastest. It is the genius period when baby has such enormous capacity for learning and understanding. When a child reaches the age of 8, the progress begin to slow down, and he can mostly acquire skills and knowledge instead.

Owing to synaptic pruning, researches show that human’s neuroplasticity works according to the principle “use it or lose it”, unneeded cells and circuits are eventually eliminated, leaving only the active and functional circuits in order to improve brain’s capacity and activities.
Learning potential of the brain conforms to the Law of Diminishing Abilities, it means the later a child is educated, the less chances for his potential to be fully unlocked.
Moreover, the development of brain does not resemble a linear line, it has its own important stages – sensitive period, critical period, or the stage of competence, when a child learns their best to prepare for later magnificent development. The figure below shows that the best period for a child to improve and acquire gross-motor skills is even before they were born until the age of 6. From birth to 2 years old is the best time for baby’s social and emotional development. 0-3 is high time for language developing and children had better learn math, counting before they turn 4. Moreover, it is the best for children to study foreign language, grow their music perception and learn how to play a musical instrument before 6.

Researches has revealed 6 amazing abilities of children’s brain from birth to age 3: 1) Intuitive sense/Intuition, 2) Photographic memory, 3) Mathematical abilities, 4) Perfect music perception, 5) Ability to learn multi-languages, 6) Ability to associate images with information. It is said that intuition is subconscious. It is a positive aspect of creativity that help make scientific, political geniuses, or child prodigies who are gifted at music, art, literature, architecture, or with psychic abilities. Children’s brains have such amazing power that allow them to approach the information intuitively; acquire knowledge subconsciously without regular learning procedure.
Part 2: The Roles of Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Education is to recognize and unlock children’s potential from birth to age 6, especially the 0-3 period.
This is an educational process that stimulate brain activities during children’s brain developing period. Brain is a special substance which consists of blood, flesh, and it is also the main organ of human’s nervous system. Therefore, brain needs to be nurtured by 2 different types of nutrition to develop healthily. The first one is the nutrition from food, one needs an appropriate, scientific and balanced diet. Additionally, the “food” for a child’s mental health is also important. This means that from the age of 0 to 6, his brain need positive stimulations from the outside world to be fully functional.
Early childhood education is the educating procedure whose main purpose is to explore human’s limitless potential. Many psychologists have proved that normally, only 3-10% of a person’s potential is exploite, mostly in the very first few years of his life.
Early Childhood Education is conducted during the period that the human’s brain develop the fastest (sensitive period) so that it can bring along the greatest efficiency.
Meanwhile, Early Childhood Education helps fostering and founding the basis for children’s later personality.
Itis a breakthrough of modern educational science, focusing on the golden stage from conception to 6, the most remarkable stage of brain development. Educational researches have shown that activating children’s brains with diverse experience from infancy to preschool would create links, circuits between neurons and help extend nervous system network so that the child can develop the best available of intellectual potential. Professor Makoto Shichidahas once said "Do not wait until a child’s brain to be fully functional, since using brain can also encourage its development. Early Childhood Education is definitely the program that can benefit and urge both sides of the brain develop the most effectively".
Saigon Academy Pre-school System, the pioneer in early education in Ho Chi Minh City, offers differentiated teaching method from the traditional ones. With Early Childhood Education from 0 years old, the baby is not forced to learn but is developed naturally by "learning through games, learning through playing". “Teaching with flexibility, learning through playing, teaching consciously that allow student to learn subconsciously, playing while learning, learning when playing, offering children with the environment where they can get to know and learn by following the lead of adults, where they can be loved, encouraged and inspired instead of being pampered. It also raise and help shaping children’s personality.” The team of native English-speaking teachers (from the US, UK, and Australia, etc.), and Vietnamese teachers arewell-trained for early childhood teaching method so that they can give children the best environment to learn and to play with such fascinating and beneficial experience. At Saigon Academy Pre-school, with limited number of students per class (20 students at most), spacious classroom, airy and safe environment, children can enjoy outdoor and indoor playground fully equipped with educational tools,toys, and meals provided by The Caterers from England.
With the coordination between school and families in relation to The Early Childhood Education Program, Saigon Academy Pre-school guarantees to accompany parents in your children’s teaching method that can ignite their sense of logic, unlock their intellectual potential effectively so that their linguistic, intellectual abilities, logical thinking, physical health, personality, soft skills and artistic gifts are able to fully develop.